We aim to engage your child and make them excited about learning: We focus on enabling them to access resources that are well
suited for their individual learning style, which builds confidence and with boldness they aspire to achieve greater heights

  • every parents dream for their child.

We teach in small groups with no more than 5/6 pupils per teacher: Each session lasts for 1 hour and twenty minutes and is broken
down into different learning activities. We do teach for the full 80 minutes.

Every child receives a combination of one to one teaching time: This includes learning methods and paper-based activities,
computer activities, audio resources, work books and worksheets. We craft sessions around your child to get the best out of them
and keep them engaged and inspired throughout.

The pupil: teacher ratio is much smaller than in the average classroom: children get more teacher attention
and feel more confident to ask questions than they may do in the classroom environment.
They are also able to develop their independent working skills and gain motivation from the small group they are working with.

We aim to teach each child in the way that suits them as much as possible: All children love praise and rewards,
we ensure that the children work in a positive learning environment where their work is valued
and they are given lots of praise for hard work, progress and achievement.
Many of our parents comment on how much their child’s confidence has improved since they started coming for tuition.

We have a reward system : Summit sticker charts – children can earn reward stickers by completing tasks both in the centre and at home.
Children receive rewards when their sticker chart has been completed. We find this is very motivating for our pupils
and encourages a good work ethic!

We’re yet to meet a child that hasn’t benefited from tuition. We provide updates and feedback about how they are performing.
Our homework, coupled with the guidance of our tutors and expertise, improves your child’s self-esteem
and ultimately their academic performance.

Contact us to find out how we can help your child Access, Aspire, and Achieve!