At the end of January 2015 we changed our identity and became the Summit Tuition Centre in Newham, rather than Kip McGrath.
We felt that we needed to maintain the right balance between computer based and tutor based tuition, and to do this we had to move away from Kip McGrath.

I wholeheartedly believe that tutor based teaching is more important and we want to keep focused on face to face teaching in the centre using qualified teachers.
This is especially important for younger students.

We opened our doors with a new name Summit Tuition Centre – Access. Aspire. Achieve (hope you like our new name and tagline!)
but everything else remained the same – lesson times, teachers, fees etc., and since then we are delighted to say
we have had an exceptionally successful year and continue to get great feedback from our parents and students.

We have our new website, and a new email address, as well as a new Facebook page – please like us here!

Our future as Summit Tuition Centre is very promising, and we are excited to be able to introduce new resources and continue to provide you with professional,
high level, thorough, targeted and tailored tuition in Maths English, Science and the 11+ programme.

Should you have any questions or suggestions at all, please do contact me via our new email or telephone us.
Fiona Aileru
Centre Director